Are you here for it? The Orange Conference 2024 theme was one of their strongest, as it set the tone early on. As we work with kids, students, and families within the church, we have to be ready to step into the mess. Yes, we know it can be challenging, unpredictable, and risky but we also know it’s worth it.

And this year’s conference, as usual, served as a beacon of wisdom and inspiration for family ministry leaders, offering profound insights and practical guidance. While I took extensive notes from each session, I wanted to provide a summary for you all. So here’s a quick run-down of the key highlights and takeaways from each main session:

Main Session 1: You are Here

Jon Acuff kicked off the conference with humor and humility, sharing personal anecdotes that resonated with attendees. He emphasized the importance of presence and support in relationships, urging listeners to be there for others through life’s ups and downs.

Danielle Strickland followed with a powerful message on embracing uncertainty and trusting in God’s faithfulness. Drawing from biblical narratives, she challenged attendees to step out of their comfort zones and lean into God’s presence amidst life’s challenges.

Main Session 2: Embracing Change

Leslie Mack took the stage, highlighting the importance of innovation and adaptability in navigating changing cultural landscapes. She encouraged attendees to embrace creativity and collaboration, recognizing that new approaches are essential for advancing the mission of the church to reach the next generation.

Kara Powell shared insights from her recent book, Faith Beyond Youth Group, on the importance of flexibility and adaptability in ministry, particularly in the face of societal shifts and technological advancements. She emphasized the need for churches to engage with younger generations in relevant and meaningful ways. We need to move them from sitting to sending, which is exactly what Jesus did with the disciples. The next generation doesn’t want to be consumer; they want to be contributors and creators.

Crystal Chiang shared insights on addressing mental health challenges among youth and adolescents within the church. She emphasized the importance of understanding developmental phases and leveraging opportunities to support young people in their journey of faith.

Dr. Dharius Daniels delivered a thought-provoking message on navigating uncertainty and embracing God’s sovereignty in times of change. He encouraged attendees to trust in God’s faithfulness and to remain anchored in His promises, even amidst life’s challenges and disruptions.

Main Session 3: Finding Clarity in Chaos

Rich Villados delivered a poignant message on humility and reconciliation within the church. He challenged attendees to prioritize unity and understanding, even in the midst of disagreement and conflict.

Dr. Chinwé Williams shared insights on emotional resilience and self-awareness, urging listeners to cultivate empathy and compassion in their interactions. She emphasized the importance of relational harmony and collective well-being in fostering healthy communities.

Main Session 4: God in Difficult Moments

Shane Sanchez took the stage, sharing personal stories of perseverance and faith amidst adversity. He emphasized the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in building meaningful connections with others, drawing a lot from John 1:14.

John Onwuchekwa followed with a dynamic presentation on resilience and hope in the face of grief and loss. He challenged attendees to lean on God’s strength and support, trusting in His faithfulness even in life’s darkest moments. And he encouraged us to create safe places for others to grieve, saying, “Shoulders catch tears better than your soliloquies.”

In addition, Danielle Strickland delivered a compelling message on encountering God’s presence in the midst of life’s storms. Drawing from the biblical narrative of Jesus healing the demon-possessed man in Mark 5, she emphasized how God confronts oppressive powers and liberates us from bondage. Strickland highlighted Jesus’ transformative work in setting individuals free and imparting a purpose to help others. She urged attendees to embrace their identity as agents of transformation and bearers of God’s peace, even in the midst of challenging circumstances.

Main Session 5: Cultivating Innovation

Coach John Mosley, of Netflix reality TV fame, offered practical insights on fostering innovation and creativity within the church. He encouraged attendees to embrace curiosity and experimentation, recognizing that new approaches are essential for remaining impactful in a changing world.

Dan Scott followed with a passionate presentation on empowering the next generation. He emphasized the importance of mentorship and discipleship in nurturing young leaders and fostering spiritual growth, and in order for the church to do that well, he reminded us that we must keep changing to meet the ever-changing needs of our culture.

Eugene Kim shared practical innovative strategies for equipping and empowering young leaders within the church. He emphasized the importance of authenticity and relationship-building in cultivating a culture of mentorship and discipleship. And if you’re not sure where to begin in innovation, start with love and humility. Then gather people around you to explore the problem together.

Leslie Mack finished this session by delivering a very thought-provoking message on the importance of innovation in the church. She challenged attendees to break free from complacency and embrace change, recognizing that innovation is essential for remaining relevant and impactful in today’s society. “Innovation is the evidence of hope.”

Main Session 6: Empowering the Next Generation

Ashley Bohinc shared insights on cultivating resilience and perseverance in young leaders. She emphasized the importance of providing opportunities for growth and development, guiding them to become impactful leaders in their communities.

Geoff Banks reflected on the transformative power of the conference experience. Drawing parallels between learning to surf and stepping into ministry challenges, he encouraged attendees to take the lessons learned at the conference and apply them courageously in their respective contexts.

Joseph Sojourner closed the conference with a dynamic message on the power of vision and purpose in driving meaningful change. There will always be a temptation to not go where God is calling us, and we will have obstacles that will keep us from progressing: failure, frustration, and fatigue (Luke 5:1-7); but he challenged attendees to embrace discomfort and uncertainty, trusting in God’s guidance as they navigate their journey of faith. Ultimately, we go because Jesus came!

If you are looking for more from each of the main sessions, I encourage you to check out my notes post, which contains a big collection of all my notes from each main session speaker.

As we reflect on the insights shared at the Orange Conference 2024, may we embrace the journey ahead with courage, compassion, and a steadfast commitment to God’s transformative work in the world.

If you would like to hear more about Orange Conference 2024, I encourage you to check out these 2 podcast episodes:

  • Student Ministry Connection episode 131: I did quick interviews with several conference attendees, asking them who was there for them and why they are going to be here for it for the next generation.
  • Free Refills Podcast episode 69 (To be released soon): A team of 4 from National Network of Youth Ministries talk about conference highlights and interact with several highlights from youth pastors who attended our BBQ dinner on Wednesday night of the conference.

While the recent unfortunate news of Orange’s founder and CEO created a cloud of confusion and sadness, there was also an overwhelming feeling of hope and expectation for God to act. And it seemed like He did in a big way, and this turned into one of the most exciting conferences I’ve been to in quite some time.

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